ARE we in this country completely mad? In a few months - in January to be precise - the floodgates are due to open and thousands of new economic migrants will have the legal right to enter into this already overcrowded, under-serviced country, as the EU expands.

So we must act now, take the necessary steps to stop it.

We went into Europe on the understanding that it was only going to be "a common market' but where has that got us?

Our fishing industry is finished, absolutely devastated. Our home waters over-fished by others.

Our farming communities are on the edge of oblivion with nowhere to go and we are importing much, much more stuff than we export.

By handcuffing' the farmers we, an island, are leaving ourselves open to the situation of not being able to feed ourselves.

We are surrounded by the sea, which can be our greatest defence, but only if we are self-sufficient within.

But then again being self-sufficient is not a quality this Government promotes.

We, the British taxpayers last year paid out millions in benefits to Polish workers over here.

Such benefits are only paid in Poland after the strictest of means testing.

Now wouldn't that huge amount of money keep a lot of pensioners warm this winter and put a lot of services back in the NHS? So I'll repeat myself, are we mad or what?

Countries, like people, should want and be encouraged to be self-sufficient, and the safety hammock' of help and assistance should not be a comfort blanket to those who choose not to work or provide for themselves.

There is an old saying, God gave the birds food, but he didn't pop it into their nests. They have to go and get it.

I've had at least three meetings this week, same old problems, how to raise money as painlessly as possible for different charities.

Grant A Wish is for terminally ill children, the John Bury Trust assists young, mainly disabled, youngsters, and my third's not a charity but something I want to do, raise enough money for a Last Night of the Proms to celebrate Elgar's music in Blackburn Cathedral next year.

Oh, when I hear the lead up to Land of Hope and Glory, I'm ready to go over the top.

It sends shivers down my spine - that and Jerusalem. I suppose it's that they reinforce one's love of country.

I WAS in Manchester Chancery Court three days last week.

We don't know the outcome yet as the Judge has gone away to cogitate, but as in all these sort of cases the only real winners are the lawyers.

And I went to yet another birthday party this week.

Do you know that statistics show that all those people who have the most birthdays live the longest?

Till next week.