IT is easy to take things for granted in the run-up to Christmas, as the rush to get presents and decorate the tree takes over people's lives.

But the sobering reality of life in East Lancashire in 2005 is that people are still sleeping rough on our streets.

The numbers are falling -- but the reason for that is the hard work and dedication of volunteers and charities.

Today they admit that they are struggling to keep a lid on the problem.

Nightsafe, which needs close to £500,000 a year and relies on the Lottery and Comic Relief for help to fund its work with homeless young people, may have to close its day centre in Blackburn when it loses a £40,000 Government grant in March.

And elsewhere, much more needs still needs to be done to keep people off the streets.

Surely it is time that the Government stopped relying on the hard work and generosity of volunteers to cope with this problem?

If the homeless do not get the support they need, the temptation to drift into crime is too great to resist for many.

And that affects us all.

Maybe we should spend a little time remembering the plight of these people as we settle down to our warm and cosy, iPod and satellite TV-adorned Christmas.