PROTESTERS today voiced their fury over the redevelopment of a former mill in Hollin Hall.

Furbs Property Co Ltd was given planning permission last December for 13 three-storey houses and 11 two-storey houses, as well as the conversion of Empress Mill, Trawden, into 14 flats. Work to clear the site started 16 weeks ago.

But neighbours claim the work is coating Hollin Hall's narrow road with mud, HGVs are causing havoc and refurbishment of the village car park -- needed to move cars out of the builders' way -- has taken too long.

A crunch meeting between residents, parish councillors and Ramsbottom-based Dunham Developments Ltd heard Colne councillors have put the development on their list of 'problem sites' list, while planning officers will serve an enforcement notice demanding wheel washing facilities.

Resident Steve Parker said: "We have to walk in the road to get to our homes and there's nowhere to wipe your feet when you get into the car.

"The developers were asked to refurbish the car park. They started in August and thought it would be a five-week job. It's now 16 weeks and we've still got no car park.

"It's compounding problems we've already got with site traffic."

Councillors were concerned but planning manager Neil Watson told them officers visited regularly and demolition did not require planning consent.

He has given councillors a letter from Dunham Developments that said the car park would be open for Christmas.

Coun Alan Davies warned: "A couple of ward members and planning members, perhaps with a couple of residents, need to sit down with the developers and understand first hand how they intend to develop the site.

"Because of the uniqueness of the location and access, this fits ideally on the problem sites list. The last thing we want is loggerheads. This is going to come back and haunt us if we don't get on top of it."