ARE the general public aware that the Home Office -- via its prison security group -- has drawn up contingency plans to ensure that if and when this flu pandemic hits the UK, prisoners will be given priority for vaccine over the general public?

Why? Because "they are a vulnerable group in an enclosed community."

To compound the decision, some non-violent prisoners will be released early "to ease pressure in jails."

What are we coming to in this country when we treat our prisoners better than all other law abiding people in the community? What a message to give out.

These decision makers should hang their heads in shame. The supply of available vaccine will be woefully inadequate for the country's needs as it is (the government placed a £200million order for Tamiflu in March 2005, enough to protect only 14.6 million people.

So far 2.5 million doses have been received and the rest of the order will not be completed until December 2006.

Does anyone disagree with me that prisoners should be the last in the queue for this vaccine, not the first?

NOEL EKE, Pickering Fold, Blackburn.