I WRITE in response to Canon Chris Chivers's letter (LET October 11). He writes of ignorance of different faiths and cultures and that we should take into account their beliefs but I would like to ask when and where does the Muslim faith take my beliefs as a Christian into account?

Canon Chivers goes on to mention the rigors of Ramadan and self-denial. From my experience, having worked in an Islamic country for two years, Ramadan is not that rigorous as it only constitutes a reversal of eating patterns. And to suggest we buy a copy of the Koran is ridiculous. How many Muslims does Mr Chivers think would buy a copy of the Bible?

Earlier the same week the Telegraph reported that Maqsouda Hussain has been appointed in the post of racial justice officer, this role being to encourage churches to promote racial justice.

As this role is church-led and not mosque-led should this post not have gone to a Christian?

Finally, I would like to suggest that if Muslims were more understanding of our faith and culture then integration into this country would be much easier.

Instead they complain about nativity scenes, Christmas decorations etc, etc, and this country, being so soft, removes them at the expense of our own faith and culture. This is what makes the country as divided as it is and more and more people unwilling to accept other faiths.

ROY WALLBANK, Killington Street, Burnley.