I AM writing to express my shock and disappointment about Kelsall Avenue Nursery in Little Harwood being re-located to St Stephens.

There will be less outdoor space, which I valued greatly when I used to attend nursery. There will be no trees, plants or adventure play or even space to ride bikes.

How are small children meant to discover nature and enjoy outdoor fun when they are cooped up in an urbanised play area?

Are they to rely on books to identify changing seasons instead of collecting fallen autumn leaves, playing in the snow, tending spring bulbs and watching flowers grow?

Is this move being made to save money? Most parents would rather their children were able to cherish their memories of nursery years.

Nursery will not be the same without garden parties and stories under the trees.

It would be such a shame to lose a nursery that has been the best start I could have been given before primary school and so important for the community.

I am now 13 years of age but my younger brother attends Kelsall Avenue. He loves it and despite having a hearing impairment has excelled due to the excellent environment and educational standards.

My mother travels from Rishton to get him to nursery because there are no other nurseries like it.

I really hope the people who propose this move will rethink and do the right thing in saving this nursery.

NIALL HARKIN, Blackburn Road, Rishton.