A nurse who made a pensioner's lips bleed and shoved another for disturbing her cigarette break has been struck off.

Sheila Grove, 49, was found guilty of six allegations of mis-conduct relating to her work at The Grange Nursing Home, Colne, between January 1, 2003, and March 13, 2003.

During her employment she ground a cup into a pensioner's face until his lips bled and was often found snoring loudly while she slept in a chair during night shifts,

Grove also shoved a disabled woman in her 80s through a door for having the temerity to wander into the smoking area, the Nursing and Midwifery Council was told.

And on another occasion she admin-istered three times the specified amount of morphine to a resident.

She also placed a full pot of pills beside the bed of a resident who was not on medication.

The patient could have taken the medicine and come to harm, the hearing was told.

The married nurse, who worked at the home for several years, later handed in her resignation after being questioned about the allegations.

Grove previously worked at Hillcroft Nursing Home, Carn-forth, and Lakeland View Nursing Home, Morecambe.

She moved to Argentina in 2003 and has refused to attend the hearing.