A REPORT into how a dangerous rapist went on the run in East Lancashire will be considered by the Government's mental health watchdog.

Kemple View psychiatric hospital in Langho has launched its own investigation into the disappearance of 39-year-old Roland Chamberlain and will present its findings to the Healthcare Commission.

Chamberlain, who had been sectioned for sex offences and was described by police as a "risk to the public", was allowed out on an unsupervised visit to Blackburn town centre.

He was carrying a passport and mobile phone and handed himself in to Belgravia police station in London 26 hours later. He was the third dangerous patient to go on the run from the hospital this year.

Although Kemple View is a private, low security hospital it is regulated by the Healthcare Commission, which sets strict guidelines for the treatment of patients.

The findings of the inquiry - which will be carried out with the police - will also be given to the Mental Health Act Commission, which monitors homes to see if patients are being treated fairly under the 1983 Mental Health act. Chamberlain was the third person to leave the hospital this year after patients sectioned for attempted murder and making threats to kill also escaped.

Ribble Valley MP Nigel Evans said he wanted more than "reassuring words" from the inquiry.

He said: "We have to look at ways of preventing people absconding and I would have though the police would be more than keen to make some recommendations. That is what I want, for the police to make recommendations about the security of people in and around that area."

Kemple View spokesman Carol Friend said: "We are delighted that Mr Chamberlain is back in a safe environment suitable for his condition. Our own internal review will seek to determine why he failed to return to the hospital and whether there are any other lessons for us or for our staff for the future."

A Healthcare Commission spokeswoman said the hospital's report would be checked for accuracy and further action taken if issues were not resolved.