WHEELCHAIR users will not be guaranteed access to trains in East Lancashire until 2017, it has been revealed.

They face having to ring train operator Northern Rail before making any journey to ensure the trains they are due to travel on can accommodate wheelchairs.

Disabled campaign groups today called on Northern, which runs services from Colne to Blackpool and Clitheroe to Manchester to "come into the 21st Century" and make its trains disabled-friendly.

The company has admitted some trains used for the Colne to Blackpool service are 20 years old and not ideal for wheelchairs. Access ramps don't fit the train steps and can be too steep, causing a risk of wheelchairs toppling over.

That means wheelchair users trying to get on trains are being turned away.

Under the new Disability Discrimination Act, train companies which can't cater for wheelchair users have been given until 2017 for all services to become accessible for disabled people.

However, the law says that if they do not have disabled access the train company has an obligation to provide "a reasonable adjustment", including providing a taxi service.

But Northern Rail only offers to pay for one taxi journey before leaving disabled passengers to make subsequent journeys on their own. And with no plans to replace trains on the line, wheelchair users face waiting 11 years before they can ride between Colne and Blackburn.

Wheelchair user Hayley Reed, 36, of Avenue Parade, Accrington, said the situation had left her feeling "angry and bitter".

She had tried to use the train several times to commute to Blackburn College where she is studying for a B-Tec in graphic design.

Ms Reed said: "I feel they have an obligation to make sure all their trains can take disabled people.

"We are being treated like third-class citizens, like we shouldn't leave our houses.

"They say the trains are 20 years old, but that is no excuse. They should come into the 21st Century."

Hyndburn MP Greg Pope said: "This is simply not good enough. Disabled people should be able to travel on East Lancashire's trains. Why is the rolling stock so old?

"Northern Trains need to adapt to the existing rolling stock or buy new trains and do it long before 2017."

Jim Coulthard, of the East Lancs Deaf Blind Society and also a member of the Blackburn and Darwen Access Group, said: "It is a common problem on the trains.

"It is an extremely difficult situation and one we sympathise with.

"This is one of the reasons we set up the access group, to help disabled people travel."

Sharon Edwards, chairman of the Blackburn Disabled Person's Group, said: "The train is not a mode of transport our members tend to look at, but to hear about these problem is a concern."

A spokesperson for Northern Rail said: "It is a country-wide problem for all operators that not all trains or stations are assessable to people with disabilities.

"We therefore recommend that customers with wheelchairs who are planning to travel with Northern call our travel assistance helpline on 08456 008 008.

"We do however work closely with the five Passenger Transport Executives and other partners across the north to deliver the best services and facilities, including improving disabled access where possible."