For once we have a councillor who is not scared to act in the public interest and what happens - she gets suspended, labelled as untrustworthy and convicted by what is little more than a kangaroo court.

Out of interest, I went to see Cllr Gina Dowding's tribunal 'hearing'. Clearly it had been pretty much agreed what the result was going to be before it even started. However, that is not the real issue.

The real issue is that over the last 20 years, despite constant rhetoric about participation, stakeholder values and democracy, national Government, business and legal interests have disabled the powers of local councillors and citizens to speak the truth. How can it be illegal for a councillor to disclose what ratepayers' money is being spent on?

Anyone who has been on the local Strategic Partnership, local diversity groups, Agenda 21 or anything to do with the council knows that Cllr Dowding and th4e Green group are a breath of fresh air.

However, it seems that challenging the powers of central control freakery cannot be allowed. The full weight of the establishment must be used to crush such insubordination.

This district deserves the likes of Cllr Dowding representing them - but voters for those parties in Westminster that have created this insane situation should hang their heads in shame.

Joan Dickson, Williamson Road, Lancaster.