AN 89-YEAR-OLD man was rescued from a deadly smoke-logged kitchen by firefighters after a serious chip pan fire.

The man, who lived on his own, was found "stumbling about" the kitchen of his semi-detached bungalow in Waverley Road, Intack, Blackburn, during the blaze at 11.45pm yesterday.

Two firefighters wearing breathing apparatus led the man to safety and he was given oxygen treatment at the scene. An ambulance was called but the man refused hospital treatment.

Neighbours said a man named Fred lived at the house and he was staying with a relative today.

Firefighters said it appeared that the man had put the chip pan on and then fallen asleep in his living room.

John Leach, Blackburn crew manager, said: "We don't know whether the gentleman was trying to fight the fire or was in a confused state and stumbling about his kitchen when we got there."