I FEEL I must answer the letters written by the two 'out of town' ladies about the Remembrance Day services.

When all this trouble started our Vicar had two churches to run, with three services in the morning, which included a proper service at 10.30 in memory of the dead, then over to Memorial Park for the laying of the wreath.

After that, she had a christening. It was the British Legion who decided to change the arrangements and expected all the different congregations in Great Harwood to follow their wishes.

She did not refuse, she said she couldn't as she didn't have a half hour to juggle!

And why, I ask, does everyone use her as a scapegoat? There are other ministers in Great Harwood, but of course, they are all men! So next year when you start all this farce again, pick on one of the other clergy.

E WINDRAS (Mrs), Fielding Lane, Great Harwood.