CLLR Gina Dowding has, no doubt, had many expressions of sympathy both from her own Green Party group and members of the public.

But as a councillor she should remember that when you take the oath of allegiance - which every new councillor must do - you agree to abide by the rules.

One of the important statements you are asked to uphold says: "You should not disclose, without express per-mission, information relating to exempt agenda items and reports relating to staffing, financial, commercial, disciplinary, official or any other confidential or unauthorised matters, without the prior permission of the council, the chief executive of relevant director."

All councillors are given a copy of the constitution immediately they are sworn in. Cllr Dowding will have a copy - but I doubt very much she sought the advice of the chief executive or relevant director before she broke the exemption rules.

Councillors are not above the law but must follow the rules like anyone else, even when the taste is not to their liking.

Having said that, I question whether the basis for her disclosure really was one of public interest, as stated by the Green group. Or was it more related to the fact that her group recently proclaimed in a full council meeting that they are in favour of phasing out nuclear energy?

Cllr Sheila Denwood, Scotforth West.