DESPITE a pledge given by the council that the Broad Street centre would be kept running, in its entirety, this has proved not to be the case.

The moment of truth will be revealed when the Arts and Crafts centre is moved lock, stock and barrel, to the Haymarket site. Clearly, there is insufficient floor space to accommodate all the classrooms, so it will be a case of "no room at the inn" as things stand.

Three years ago, after fire-doors were fitted at a cost to the tax-payer of £700, Health and Safety officials held the view that it met the required safety regulations. But last term they had a sudden change of heart and the outcome was that, after running for more than 40 years, woodworking is now no longer an option at the centre.

It seems we have suddenly become a liability. That a serious risk of injury has somehow, mysteriously manifested itself and that we need to be moved for our own safety. Poppycock!

This whole healthy and safety issue has been contrived and then manipulated to serve the council's own agenda, one of systematically deleting classes. Is anyone from the council going to tell me I am wrong? We need some answers. We need an inquiry into this whole matter.


champion for the Arts

and Crafts movement.