BURY MBC planning committee narrowly approved the application by High Points Estates Ltd for retail units on the Spring Street car park in Bury. This now leaves the door open for other similar projects, and the Westfield plans to erect a multi-storey car park adjacent to Holy Trinity CE Primary School.

I was of the opinion that the rejuvenation of the Mosses was intended to improve the quality of life of the residents but it appears that this is not the council's view. I asked the committee to defer their decision to consider using the land for housing. But they told me that the area was designated for retail development.

To me this was a strange decision when a recent report expressed concern regarding the shortage of affordable housing in East Bury.

It is now council policy to encourage the elderly to retain their independence and dignity by being cared for in their own homes, but to do this suitable housing has to be available.

I suggested that the Spring Street area would be ideal because it provided access to shopping, transport, and health care, and had the Mosses Community Centre on the doorstep.

It cannot be right to build retail units and a multi-storey car park close to two primary schools which, as well as being in a deprived area, have not even got a useable sports field.

All I can hope for now is that High Point Estates share my belief that this development would not be viable.