I AM a respectable citizen of the Blackburn Asian community. There seems to be some confusion regarding the reason behind this breakaway of the six councillors.

The six councillors are very well known, highly respected members of the community. The public would therefore like to know the real reason(s) behind what has happened.

There must be a valid reason for which these six councillors quit.

The newspapers have so far only shown a one-sided argument, but we would like to see what the other side has to say.

This year Labour has had many people argue against their decisions made; one decision is that of the war. Even though I myself was against this war I voted for Labour because of councillors.

I am sure many people have a lot of faith in these councillors and have therefore voted for Labour knowing that these councillors are there to support them.

For the councillors to quit at such short notice seems puzzling, especially having survived a very hard election in gaining many Labour votes.

Therefore for the best interests for Blackburn and Darwen, I would like to hear the opinions of all those councillors that have quit.

A HUSSAIN, Whalley Range, Blackburn.