LOLLIPOP lady Marjorie Salsbury has got the birthday present of her dreams.

On the eve of her 70th birthday new rules were introduced which mean she can continue to help schoolchildren across a busy Leigh road.

For over 10 years Marjorie has helped thousands safely across Firs Lane on the way to St Peter's Junior School.

But she as she approached her 70th birthday she expected to retire at the mandatory age limit, then with 24 hours to spare Marjorie got a birthday boost. Wigan Council's environment panel changed the rule subject to patrollers over the age of 70 having six monthly medical checks.

A delighted Marjorie waved goodbye to birthday blues and said: "I'm thrilled to be able to carry on, I really didn't expect to be on duty with the children again."

Council road safety manager Julie Windeler said: "Many of our patrols would like to carry on helping their communities.

"Until now we have had to let perfectly capable employees go. At a time when our roads have never been busier school crossing patrols are a priceless resource we can ill afford to lose."

For information about patrol vacancies and remuneration call Julie on 01942 828396.