SIR, I totally agree with the person whose letter you printed on the front page of last week's journal following the tragic death of the little boy in Hope Street.

It was a matter of time, a tragedy waiting to happen.

I am a resident of Charles Street, and the number of people that race through our street, particularly morning (going to work) and evening (coming home from work)? These people use our streets, Charles, Hope, Oxford, like rat runs, cutting out the centre of Leigh and blocking Orhard Lane completely to a standstill.

Unbelievably, the majority of these people that we see speeding through our neighbourhoods are nurses and doctors going to their jobs at the hospital. Wouldn't you think they would know better?

As a mum to two children myself, one being a little boy who does like to play out, I think it is high time that we had those 'bends' in the streets just like around Windermere, Eyet, Coniston Streets etc. and maybe we can stop any more tragedies and also make these idiots that use our streets as short cuts - speeding to work and back every day - sit up and take notice.

Charles Street resident

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