EVERY day we read or hear about how our children's health is in danger. 'They won't live over 50', 'the NHS is never going to cope'.

And when we as parents encourage our children to get out of their rooms away from their Playstations or DVDs, and let them play as we normal, healthy children did, all they get is moaning Minnies complaining about the noise.

Close to our houses we have spare land, unfortunately it has dog dirt, beer cans and glass all over the place and last summer we even had a guy taking drugs in the bushes. Would you let your children play there?

So to all the people who complain, threaten to pop the ball and generally whinge, please remember these points:

You were children once (when the world was a better, safer place).

If you have grandchildren, where do you want them to play, miles away so you can't see or hear them?

Football is only a different kind of playing. Let the children play, be safe and be healthy.

PAUL EVANS, Bolton Road, Darwen.