THE withdrawal by six Labour councillors this week from the party is nothing short of despicable. Within days of the electorate voting to retain a Labour controlled council, these six 'jumped ship.'

The thousands of citizens who voted for these candidates must feel they have been duped, undermined, betrayed and treated with contempt.

All six were fully supported by the Labour Party, with all the administration, publicity, advice, leafletting and canvassing.

To defect shows how shallow their commitment and dedication was to the Labour Party and opposition parties should think twice before being partners of these fickle fellows.

Our party has always been a broad church, with heated debates taking place on a regular basis to reach a consensus, and promotion to positions of responsibility and public accountability should be, and is, based on ability and talent and nothing else.

Any councillor or MP who chooses to 'cross the floor' should be made to stand down immediately, causing a by-election to take place, thereby returning to the thousands who have been duped, the chance to vote for someone who will not desert them. Democracy demands no less.