FOOTBALL rivalry was put aside as the villagers of Affetside embraced a little French culture over the weekend.

All things French were enjoyed as residents and visitors to the picturesque village enjoyed a game of boules on the village's Millennium Green.

Sunday's genteel sporting event was the second organised by Mr Adrian Booth, who used to teach at the now-closed Affetside Primary.

Thirty-two adults and ten children took part in the tournament, some in French fancy dress.

Trophies, donated by villagers Tony and Roseanne Davies, were awarded to the winners. Prizes were also given to those in best French dress.

Joanne Wilcock, chairman of Affetside Society, said: "Some of those who took part were visitors passing through the village. We even had an international contingent of two Americans and two Irish, all friends of a local man who were on a rambling trip to visit the village and had a thoroughly enjoyable albeit unexpected afternoon out!

"French food and wine flowed, making for a great and memorable Sunday. It was brilliant and it will hopefully become an annual event on the Millennium Green which was designed to bring the community together."