WITH reference to Mr Edwin Bibby's letter (LET, August 5) headed 'Unions are just puppets of the establishment'.

I firmly believe that Mr Bibby has very much hit the nail on the head. However, I do have some disagreements in that Mr Bibby appears to be under an illusion that there was once a time when trade unions were not puppets of the establishment.

If there was such a time it was certainly before I started work.

I also feel Mr Bibby is talking about trade union leadership, when I firmly believe trade unions belong to their members. For much too long the people who have risen to the top have done deals with governments (especially Labour governments) behind closed doors.

We have recently seen an example of this in the deal done with New Labour not to rock the boat before the general election. However, much these gentlemen try to sell this deal to their members I'm afraid they will be unsuccessful.

People realise they have got nothing out of this deal. The so-called 'awkward squad' perhaps should be renamed' the not so awkward squad'.

I would like to point out the few unions gaining members are the ones with leaders who are viewed as listening to their membership. That is the RMT and the PCS.

Many who are joining Respect have been Labour and trade union activists all their lives and their disgust over the war in Iraq, and how New Labour have treat workers and pensioners, has led them to look again at their core beliefs and realise that 'New Labour' really means 'New Tories'.

Finally, much against their members' wishes, many union leaders are still tying them to Blair and his cronies.

They should be democratising their political funds and money should only go to election candidates and MPs who fully support the trade union movement.

JOHN P JOHNSTON, on behalf of Burnley Respect, Westgate, Burnley.