DIABETICS and their carers are being invited to a special conference on the condition.

The one-day exhibition and talks by diabetes specialists takes place on October 2.

Although the conference falls under the umbrella of Diabetes Concern Greater Manchester, one of the main organisers has been the Bury Diabetic Support Group.

Its chairman, Mr Geoff Goldberg, said: "This conference is an opportunity for people with diabetes to find out more about the condition and have a chance to hear from specialists in the field in an informal atmosphere.

"There will also be information for diabetics on a variety of subjects."

Bury Diabetic Support Group is one of the strongest and most active branches within the Greater Manchester organisation and is always on the lookout for volunteers. The chairman is a lay co-opted member of the National Collaboration for Diabetes and Breathing Difficulties and has been involved in developing a national programme to improve diabetes healthcare.

In Bury, the support group has recently reached out to the Asian community, which is more prone to developing the condition.

The group regularly organises local meetings with diabetes specialists. Next month pharmacist Mr A. Khan will be talking about the new testing meters for diabetics.

"The aim of the support group is to support and represent people with diabetes and their carers by influencing appropriate bodies both locally and nationally.

"The talks we organise locally are always popular and are always packed. Not only can people with diabetes and their carers find out information about their condition but at the same time they have a chance to talk to other people with the condition."

The conference takes place at the Holiday Inn in Beaumont Road, Bolton, starting at 9.30am and finishing at 4.30pm. Tickets are £10 and include lunch and refreshments and £3 extra for those wishing to travel by coach.

For more information ring 0161 796 5165 or 0161 338 2678.

Those wishing to join the group or become a volunteer should ring 0161 796 5165.