IN reply to Mr Honeyford (Letters, September 3) I must say that the "respectable" mask was well and truly lifted off the BNP by the programme The Secret Agent, broadcast by the BBC recently.

During the programme members of the BNP admitted carrying out racist attacks. One member repeatedly said that his aim in life was to "kill Pakis".

Mr Honeyford wants to treat the BNP like " . . . any other political party". The German people did that by allowing the Nazis to take power in 1933, and we all know the result.

You don't allow a mad dog the freedom to bite you.

As to the decision of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) to sack officers who are members of the BNP, it is the right of any organisation to decide who they will allow to be members. Many trade unions will not allow racists into membership. I notice in today's press that the Prison Officers Association general secretary has said: "There is no place for racists in the POA, and there never will be".

Mr Honeyford tries to make the point that the price we pay for freedom is to allow the existence of extremists. But, given that freedom, the extremist will use it to destroy the democratic freedoms of the rest of us.

To compare the BNP to the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) is scandalous to say the least. I can't recall any racism expounded by SWP members.

Finally, to say that the riots in Oldham et al, were caused by "alienating the white majority", is to stand the truth on its head. Those riots were caused by the racist BNP.