PRESTWICH golden girl Ruth Smith proved she is a born fighter after winning two sporting medals just eight weeks after major spine surgery.

Thirteen-year-old Ruth competed in the Dwarf Athletic Association Games in Birmingham last weekend and won two gold medals for the indoor bowls game Boccia.

Ruth, who was born with growth-stunting condition achondroplasia, is no stranger to winning medals and has competed many times in the Dwarf Games here and abroad.

But two months ago, the Prestwich Community High School pupil was confined to a hospital bed after having the pressure released from her spinal cord.

Without the operation, Ruth could have lost the use of her legs but, despite being in a lot of pain, doctors have hailed the procedure a success.

And true to form, Ruth, of Shire Hills, was determined her pain would not hinder her love of sport.

Able to bowl from a seated position on a stool, Ruth won gold medals in both the doubles and team competition.

Her mum Lynn said: "She just missed out in the singles by coming fourth but she has promised to make it a hat-trick next year! The operation was very traumatic for her and she is still in a lot of pain. She was determined to compete but that has now taken its toll and she is in discomfort this week."

Ruth was due to see doctors today (Fri Sept 10) and next week will have an MRI scan, prior to a further operation on her legs.