HE public of Bury should now all be aware of the plans to close the special care baby unit (SCBU) and reduce children's services and maternity services at Fairfield and the subsequent campaign led by Fairfield Baby Lifeline Society (FBLS) against these proposals. This shouldn't just be Lifeline's fight; it is Bury's fight.

This is not about improving services; it is about cutting costs and saving money. The Trust is short of money and removing services is a simple way of balancing the books. So a unit has to close. But why Bury? There's no logic or credible research to justify Bury being chosen. In fact, there are just two simple reasons . . .

One is that the people of Bury are seen as apathetic and less likely to object to the closure of medical facilities for their children. Closing services at Bury is seen as the easy option.

The other reason is that the people of Bury are more likely to work hard and more likely to own their own car, so it doesn't really matter if your baby is lying in intensive care 10 miles away. After all, you can drive to see them!

And that's about it. That's why Bury has been chosen. Forget the fact that we have modern, well-used facilities with dedicated staff, and medical success in neonatal care which is the envy of the north west. None of that matters. We work hard and we are apathetic so that is justification.

No one knows when they are going to need a SCBU. My son spent the first 10 weeks of his life in the SCBU at Fairfield. He is alive today because of that unit and the care he received from its staff. I was lucky; you may not be.

So join the fight before it's too late. Sign the petition, write to your MP, donate to the campaign fund and attend the public meeting at Bury Town Hall on Monday, at 7pm.