WITH reference to the 'sex sites' article (LET, March 7).

As a resident of Darwen for nigh on 35 years, I had always enjoyed spending time walking the many public footpath routes available in the beautiful countryside surrounding the town.

Up until the last couple of years that is, as now quite a few of them have become no-go areas for fear of what sights you may be confronted with.

As a result of many of the beauty spots becoming haunts of the type of people described in your article, many law-abiding or, dare I say it, 'normal' people are avoiding these places as it seems that any time of the day or evening you risk being confronted by a man in women's clothes or indeed no clothes at all.

This is unpleasant enough without having to either distract your children from the sight or answer awkward questions about "what's going on?"

Even a routine car journey along the A666 to Bolton becomes a game of chance when passing the Egerton lay-by in case one of the regular visitors there is in the process of committing some sordid act in the woods alongside the road.

I appreciate the police have other more pressing issues to deal with but surely there could be a more pro-active law enforcing approach instead of just being concerned over the "health risks" to these people breaking the law and "THEIR safety."

What about OUR safety?

JIMMY PATERSON, Marsham Grove, Darwen.