A school in Burnley has been told it needs to improve following its latest Ofsted inspection.

Blessed Trinity Roman Catholic College, in Ormerod Road, was inspected for the first time since it became an academy under Romero Catholic Academy Trust, in September.

While behaviour and personal development were deemed to be good at the school, the quality of education and the leadership were marked as requires improvement.

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The report said: “The school is in the process of redesigning a number of subject curriculums. Consequently, staff are not yet clear on what pupils should learn and by when. This hinders how well some staff design learning activities that emphasise the important knowledge pupils need to know.

“The school should support subject leaders to finalise their curriculum thinking and ensure that these curriculums are delivered as intended.

“The school’s approach to identifying and supporting pupils who are struggling to read is underdeveloped, particularly in key stage 4. Consequently, some pupils do not receive the help that they need to improve their reading in a timely and effective way.

“The school does not have sufficient oversight of the impact of some aspects of its work to improve. This means that some actions do not make the positive difference that leaders intend. The school should ensure that there are sufficiently rigorous processes so it can continue to drive the improvement of the school.”

Despite these needed improvements noted by the inspectors, they reserved praise for the pupils, saying they “typically conduct themselves well around the school.”

The report continued: “Most pupils are happy at this school. Many benefit from opportunities that enable them to explore a broad range of interests. For example, the ‘hope and harmonies’ group provides music during assemblies and ‘reader leaders’ support their younger peers with their reading.

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“Pupils are encouraged to take on responsibilities any many do so. They spoke with pride about the actions that they have taken to address for important issues. For example, some pupils recently launched an initiative called ‘pupils against prejudicial language’.

“In the recent pass, the school has increased its expectations of what pupils can achieve. Work has been done to strengthen the curriculum. As a result, pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), generally benefit from a more ambitious education than before. However, subjects are at different stages of development.”

The school was inspected over two days from September 26-27.

This was the first inspection since the academy takeover, though the last before this was also rated as requires improvement in June 2018.