A Burnley nursery where “children play alongside each other positively” has retained its ‘good’ Ofsted rating.

Little People of Piccadilly, in Piccadilly Road, was inspected on August 8 this year and received a ‘good’ grade in all areas.

Inspectors particularly praised the communication from the nursery to parents, the promotion of healthy lifestyles to the children, and a strong maths curriculum that prepares them for the next step of their education.

The report said: “The calm and nurturing welcome that children receive as they arrive at this nursery helps them to feel safe and secure.

"Children confidently say goodbye to their parents and settle quickly. Staff have developed strong bonds with their key children.

READ MORE: Shining Stars Nursery in Blackburn rated Good by Ofsted

“They provide encouragement as children access the provision. Children of all ages enjoy exploring the environment and relish in opportunities to play alongside the caring staff.

"For example, babies giggle as they hold hand with staff to sing and dance. Older children snuggle into cosy areas to hear staff read aloud to them.

“Children play alongside each other positively. With adult support, they learn to take turns and to share resources.

"Staff support children to develop positive attitudes to learning. They encourage children to try new experiences and to not give up when things become difficult.

“Staff have high expectations of children’s behaviour. They model respectful interactions and encourage children to use good manners. Staff explain to children how to play safely and give clear reminders about the expectations.

“Children benefit from an ambitious and varied curriculum that provides them with opportunities to explore the world around them. Staff provide ‘nature bags’ for children to take home to full with things they have found in the natural environment.”

READ MORE: The Longridge Nursery rated ‘good’ in first Ofsted visit

To further improve the quality of the nursery, inspectors said staff should be supported to understand how to adapt learning experiences to ensure all children benefit from the intended curriculum.

The nursery, which was registered in 2007, employs 18 childcare staff, 14 of whom hold early years qualifications at level 3.