A ‘friendly and welcoming school’ has been praised by inspectors.

Crawshawbooth Primary School, on Burnley Road, has been described as ‘welcoming and friendly’ by Ofsted who rated the school as ‘good’ following an inspection on March 7.

Inspectors said that the ‘values of respect, resilience and curiosity’ thread through all aspects of school life.

The report reads: “Leaders set high expectations for pupils’ behaviour.

“Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), rise to these expectations and behave well.

“Pupils have trusting and respectful relationships with staff and leaders.

“Leaders take reports of bullying seriously and deal with issues well.

“This helps pupils to feel safe. They enjoy attending school.”

The curriculum has been recently redesigned to make it ambitious for all pupils with key knowledge that they want pupils to learn identified.

However, in a few subjects, leaders’ refinements to the curriculum are incomplete which the inspector said means that the ‘teachers do not have clarity about the key knowledge that pupils should be taught’.

Overall, teachers have strong subject knowledge which helps them choose activities when teaching new content.

Reading is prioritised when pupils start in the early years and teachers read to pupils regularly, choosing books which explore ‘a range of themes and issues’.

The report adds: “Pupils read regularly. They enjoy the praise that they earn from leaders and teachers when they choose to spend their free time reading.

“Teachers have been trained well to deliver the phonics programme.

“Those pupils who do not keep up with the programme receive extra, effective help so that they can catch up.

“On occasions, some pupils do not read books that match their phonics knowledge.

“This prevents them from practising the sounds that they have learned.”

High standards of conduct are displayed during lessons and social times and lessons are rarely disrupted due to bad behaviour.

The report added: “Pupils know the classroom is a safe place where they can take risks and make mistakes. This helps them to take an active part in their learning.”

Children are given opportunities beyond school including meeting school visitors like footballers, drone operators, engineers and a fire person.

Pupils enjoy their visits to places, such as museums, art galleries and theatres.

The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.