LOCAL historian Sandra Law, treasurer of Darwen Heritage Centre, has died suddenly at the age of 76.

Chairman Tony Foster said all her friends were shocked.

He said: “With Sandra’s death it is as though a reference library on Darwen’s history has suddenly closed.”

She was on her way to do some work at the heritage centre when she was taken ill.

For several years she organised the local history society and conducted regular walks around town. Her knowledge of the area was amazing, particularly as she didn’t move to Darwen — from Scotland – till 2005.

Centre secretary Albert Gavagan said: “Sandra loved Darwen and in turn local folk with an interest in its history loved her.

“Considering that she was something of a newcomer she had steadily built up a deep knowledge of the area and she was more than happy to share it with everyone.

“She was treasurer and a trustee at the heritage centre and undertook all sorts of tasks with a passionate and devoted enthusiasm and a sense of humour.”

Sandra, who was born in Huddersfield, was also a talented artist and took a delight in decorating the centre. One of her paintings of poppy fields will continue to be the centrepiece of the annual Remembrance Day displays at the centre when it becomes fully open again.