PLANS to build 20 new homes on the site of a former Burnley pub knocked down after a devastating blaze will be approved ­— as soon as a deal for cash to benefit the borough can be agreed.

Burnley Council’s development control committee delegated powers to the head of housing, Paul Gatrell, to approve the scheme subject to the completion of a Section 106 agreement, which is a contribution from the developer towards the local area.

Lancashire County Council is seeking around £200,000 towards education, while Burnley Council’s open spaces department wants £20,000 towards the refurbishment of Buttercross Close play area, which is close to the proposed development.

In 2016, 30 firefighters had to be drafted in from across Lancashire to extinguish the fire at the former Bull and Butcher pub in Manchester Road, Burnley, which saw the roof cave in and an entire floor collapse.

The deliberate fire at the pub caused extensive damage to the building including structural damage and took several days to get under control.

The pub has since been knocked down and now plans to breathe new life back into the site have moved a step closer.

Preston-based developer San Marco Group, who had hoped to turn the pub into an Italian restaurant prior to the fire, hopes to build 20 new homes on the site.

There will be a requirement to provide two affordable dwellings on the site, with final details of the type of affordable units to be covered as part of the Section 106 agreement.

The council received eight letters of objection with people claiming the development would increase traffic and hinder road safety for pedestrians, as well as result in the loss of green belt.

Fears were also raised about noise, loss of privacy and potential loss of trees.

Case officer Paula Fitzgerald said: “Concerns about the overall design, appearance and layout including landscape treatment will be treated as part of reserved matters applications.

“Appropriate conditions have been attached for landscape, ecology, parking and treatment of highways. This will ensure that the finer details of the development can be given further consideration.

“A Transport Statement has been submitted with the application and LCC highways have considered the application and do not have any objections to the principle of the development of the site.

“Further details of access and highways across the site will be covered as part of reserved matters.

“The development of the site will make a valuable contribution to the borough’s housing supply.”