A YOUNG schoolgirl is campaigning to end plastic pollution.

Morgan-Maye Boyer spent her Sunday knocking on neighbour's doors on Whitewell Drive in Clitheroe to speak to them about plastic pollution and why everyone should recycle their waste, to stop it filling oceans and seas with harmful chemicals for sea life.

The youngster was walking home from school when she noticed the rubbish lying around on her street.

She decided to clean it, before going home to make posters on pollution. The 9-year-old said: “I want others to think about plastic pollution because we all need to stop chucking it away, and we should recycle properly.”

With a friend, Morgan began knocking on doors to talk to her neighbours about the issue of plastic filling seas, and how people need to make sure they do not throw it away.

A proud owner of two cats, Morgan loves animals and does not wish to see that any animal could be suffering due to plastic.

Her mum, Louise Fish said: “Morgan’s always been caring, as last year she took it upon herself to clean the brook at the bottom of where we then lived.

“She’s very hyperactive and absolutely adores animals. She watches a lot of TV on animals and the harm we can have on them through plastic pollution.”

“She’s passionate about the environment and I support her.”