I was appalled by the vocal minority among the Rovers support at the Spurs game and their treatment of Keith Andrews.

In 23 years watching, this is the worst I have seen a player treated.

To boo one of your own is pathetic at the best of times, but to do this before the man has even kicked a ball is inexcusable.

Andrews would not be in my Rovers first XI but he cannot be faulted for his honesty and work-rate. Fans are entitled to their opinions having paid money to watch, but barracking a player giving his best (however good or bad that is) is bang out of order.

Those ‘supporters’ who booed should be ashamed of themselves.

I wonder if these idiots would have stuck to their anti-Andrews sentiments had his last-minute shot resulted in a goal?

We should get behind any player who pulls on a blue and white shirt.

Grant Prescott (via email).