AS one of Councillor D Hollings's 'minority who are against all progress for Darwen' may I detail our experiences after the closing of the sports hall.

A group of up to 25 mainly 60 plus have been, for over 15 years, using the sports hall to play short tennis.

Despite our concern re the period without a sports hall in Darwen, we were assured the council would do its best' to find alternative premises.

It has done no such thing and it is only because one of our members has spent much time arranging this that we have been able to go to Haslingden and Shadsworth, something for our caring' councillors to consider when one realises the size of Darwen.

We are not the only group to suffer in this way, 90 mature' indoor bowlers now find most of them have nowhere to go, similarly cricketers, five-a-side footballers and badminton players are homeless.

Pie in the sky promises by the council do not provide any solution.

What is it the government says about exercise for the over 60s? - chance would be a fine thing in Darwen.

J MIKE ADAMSON, Braeside Lane, Darwen.