A ROW has broken out over street lights along Padiham Greenway which have not been turned on since being installed 18 months ago.

The £1.5million Greenway runs from Rosegrove to Memorial Park along the disused railway line and was created by Lancashire County Council.

Councillors on Padiham Town Council have called for the lights to be switched on to help combat anti-social behaviour as soon as possible.

Coun Vince Pridden said: “We keep getting told it is teething problems, but the lights have been up for 18 months and part of it is still not lit.

“Some of them lights have never been in use since the project started.

“The unlit part is near an area prone to anti-social behaviour and offenders are simply disappearing on to the walkway where they can’t be seen.”

Coun Maureen Whittaker said: “If it doesn’t get sorted then it is a false economy.

"Any anti-social behaviour being committed is only making it more expensive while they aren’t turned on.”

Roy Halliday, project manager, said the issue was being looked into. He said: “We’re sorry for any inconvenience caused as a result of some of the lights along the new Padiham Greenway not yet having been switched on.

“The lights are on four separate circuits, or phases, and we’re awaiting work needed to switch on the two phases from Shakespeare Street to the end of the scheme.

“There was some delay in the routing from the mains supply being provided before Christmas, but this is now in place and the final work needed to connect the lights will be completed by our contractor within the next few days.”