FURTHER to Francis Swarbrick's letter (LET, July 22) about the closure of St Theodore's Sixth Form College in Burnley, which was sadly crucified by the Diocese of Salford.

There was no regard paid to the education not only of Catholic young people but people of other faiths including Muslim.

The college was a fine example of multi-culturalism in a town which had suffered race riots.

Now I read in the Catholic Herald that Bishop Brain and the Salford Diocese is once again closing a paean of Catholic beliefs. St Michael's Church in Ancoats was the scene a few weeks ago of more than 500 Catholics kneeling in the street waiting to hear a Mass.

They waited for two hours until one brave (unnamed) priest said Mass for the intrepid congregation.

After Mass was said more than 1,500 people took part in a procession of Madonna of the Rosary.

Manchester City Council are campaigning to have the church re-opened. It is planned to build 10,000 houses in the area.

Pleas to the Bishop have fallen on deaf ears.

At a meeting at St Theodore's some time ago I called for a vote of no confidence in the Bishop. Three hundred people agreed with an amendment that the vote applied only to his administration of St Theodore's.

The Bishop would be better employed in the world of Rover, MG or other car manufacturing firms.

PAT JONES (Mrs), Bridgefield. Street, Hapton.