BLACKBURN North Healthy Living Centre has developed a new six-week course for those who are worried about stepping on the scales after Christmas and Eid.

Healthier You is for those who want to lose weight and feel healthy.

Course organiser Sanam Asghar, community nutritionist, said: "Besides information on what role food plays within our bodies and the affects our diet has on us, the course will also try to provide ways in which a healthy weight can be achieved.

"This will not only be through the same old boring ways but different ways such as shopping with the nutritionist at a store.

"This session will provide an excellent opportunity for participants to ask whether the food they buy for everyday eating is healthy or whether it helps pile on the pounds.

"They will also have a chance to talk to a nurse and find out how being over or under weight can affect their bodies."

The course will also include a 'stress buster' session as stress can cause some people to eat excessively and others to limit their food intake.

Participants will learn how exercise can help reduce stress and how to relax using massage and other methods.

The course starts on Monday January 26 at Bangor Street Community Centre, 1pm to 3pm.

To book a place call Sanam Asghar on 01254 52661.