IN response to Mr D Pratt's letter (LET, January 15) I do not know whether he is right about the Arabs being far more advanced than us, but it appears we continued to evolve and they regressed.

Mr Pratt refers to a handful of extremists. I think you will find Mr Pratt that it is far more than a handful. Kilroy-Silk also stated that Arabs oppressed women.

Women in Arab countries are classed as third class citizens and must walk behind their husbands.

Men in their sixties and seventies are allowed to marry young girls of 14.

Kilroy-Silk went on to state that Arabs amputate limbs. I worked in Saudi Arabia for two years and one of the main events of the Saudi weekend was to go to the local city to watch beheadings and hands being lopped off.

Kilroy-Silk has been penalised for telling the truth, yet Abu Hamza has nothing done to him for his daily rants.

ROY WALLBANK, Killington Street, Burnley.