AN interesting letter from Mr Pratt of Accrington. No doubt that much of modern civilisation emanated from what is now known as Arabia. Also, there is no doubt that places like Afghanistan were the cradles of civilisation, so what went wrong? Perhaps Mr Pratt can tell us what has happened over the past several thousand years.

Perhaps Afghanistan was a more intellectual and productive place when its people were allowed the freedom of thought and experimentation.

Why have these countries gone from being the most advanced on earth to places where the majority can hardly read and write?

From places where scientific and literary exploration were the norm into places that produce 80 per cent of the worlds hard drugs?

If they had not found oil, most of Arabia would be starving to death.

The people of Arabia have been continually let down by their leaders, both political and religious, their modern leaders hardly inspire confidence.

Perhaps if there had been more Robert Kilroy-Silks, the people of Arabia would not be in the appalling position that they are in now.

KEN HOLDEN, Douglas Grove, Darwen.