WHAT on earth possessed you to plaster the face of a convicted serial killer on the front page? A simple couple of column inches on page four would have been sufficient to announce to the readers that this evil man had had the decency to suffer the ultimate punishment for his crimes. Pity he wasn't able to do it 200-plus more times.

There are thoughts of more deserving cases in this area that would have been much more appropriate. Ordinary people who give up their time and energy freely to help the less fortunate, for instance where a public pat on the back would offer them some token of reward for their efforts. But then again that wouldn't sell newspapers, would it?

The media as a whole has gone mad with the news and all I hear is Shipman, Shipman, Shipman. The relatives of the unfortunate victims must be cringing in disgust at the media circus. They have my sympathies.

JIM BUCKLEY, Holden Fold Darwen.

EDITOR'S FOOTNOTE: Harold Shipman's death was the big news story of the day. He practised in the North West and in Todmorden and his evil deeds touched many lives. We understand your point of view but it is the duty of newspapers to report bad as well as good news.