I HAVE read the Lancashire Evening Telegraph regularly for three years now but have never felt the need to write to you until now.

I guess I would be considered a goth by most and it is your front page story on Monday on moshers and goths hanging around in Blackburn town centre that I'd like to address.

I understand the concerns of the other shoppers, as we may appear somewhat threatening but maybe people should open up their eyes and base their judgments on actions and not looks.

Most of these teenagers probably suffer verbal and physical abuse from others for no reason whatsoever on a daily basis.

Over the last five years, me and my friends have been set upon by gangs, had bricks thrown at us, been chased by cars and been called just about every name under the sun because of the music we choose to listen to and the way we dress.

I can honestly say I don't believe that we ever started any of the trouble or have ever gone looking for it. This is probably true of most of these teenagers.

To them, hanging around in big groups is security as many of them would suffer abuse otherwise.

I understand that people feel intimidated, but maybe if police did more about clearing up other groups of troublemakers (and there are many) then goths and moshers would be able to group together in other places without fear of trouble.

Blackburn wishes to gain a city status but to me will never have the feel of a proper city until we rid it of its narrow and small minded people.

If there really are shoppers staying away because they feel threatened then maybe they should be asking themselves just what exactly their problem is.

I would suggest to them they should maybe get to know more about us. Too many people are ignorant to the truth.

S HARRISON, Darwen (via email).