YESTERDAY'S news is today's cash prize for lucky winner Mary Lightfoot!

She is one of the first residents to win £100 for putting out their green recycling bag on time, and is pictured with Coun Stella Smith.

Mrs Lightfoot, from Lauria Terrace, Ainsworth, said: "The kerbside scheme has made it much easier to get involved with recycling and £100 is certainly an incentive to remember. I'll keep putting my bag out each week and I may even win again!"

All households who leave out their green bag will be entered into a weekly draw by UPM Shotton Paper, who buy the waste paper, magazines and junk mail from Bury Council and recycle it into newsprint. Four other residents from Bury and Prestwich have also won since the cash prizes were launched before Christmas.

Mr John Viviani, of Shotton's parent company UPymmene, said: "This is an easy way for people to win money and help the environment. With the help of Bury Council, we're determined to create a recycling culture."