YOUNGSTERS from Radcliffe are starring in their very own "chiller thriller" movie which got its world premiere in the town .

The five-minute film has been produced by 14 young people from the area in a partnership project between Bury Council's Youth Service, King George's Community Centre, One Way Youth Programme and HI8US Firstlight Ltd.

The film, Keep the Fire Burning, is supported through Lottery cash from by the UK Film Council, and focuses on the concept of surviving a biological warfare attack.

Filmed on location at Burrs Country Park, Bury, in October, the film, which took three days to shoot, was made using professional camera, lighting and sound equipment, provided by Paul Gilchrist from One Way Youth Programme. The camera operators were Dean Thirlwall, aged 16, and Michelle Glover, aged 17.

In writing the script, the youngsters were asked to come up with a concept which addressed the issue of conflict. In the film the country has been involved in biological warfare and a group of young people from different areas and backgrounds flee to the countryside. However, their new-found unity is threatened when one of the group becomes ill, prompting a split over what could or should be done about him.

Bury Council's Bev Meadowcroft, project leader at King George's, said: "The young people were recruited through an advice and information service and do not usually engage with the youth service. This project sparked their interest and they realised that the youth service offers much more than just open door youth centre provision."

She added: "I consider this to be a successful piece of work. It encouraged negotiation, co-operation and team work skills. Although there were disagreements throughout the process, the group were able to overcome these to complete the project and produce a film that they can all be very proud of."

The premiere took place at the Y Zone, Westminster Avenue, Radcliffe, with a specially-invited audience made up of young people, parents and other special guests. Afterwards there was a hot supper and R'n'B music event.