A TOTTINGTON businesswoman is passionate about helping victims of post traumatic stress disorder get their lives back.

And Mrs Lorraine Hutchinson will pass on her expertise during a series of workshops, beginning next week, to be staged at the Emmanuel Church Centre in Longsight Road, Holcombe Brook.

The 52-year-old launched her own Therapeutic Counselling and Training company four years ago. But for the past 20 years, Lorraine has been developing her listening and counselling skills on a one-to-one basis.

Her husband was in the Army for 30 years and as an Army wife Lorraine constantly came into contact with people suffering problems. This allowed her to offer counselling on a non-professional basis before becoming fully qualified four years ago.

She said: "I am a qualified generic and bereavement counsellor and have been involved with helping people deal with the effects of trauma for many years, primarily from my background within the Armed Services.

"However, many more civilians suffer from the disorder these days due to the amount of natural disasters and personal attacks of violence, bullying and abuse they are involved in or witness."

Lorraine, of Harwood Road, stressed: "I am passionate about helping people come to terms with their traumatic experience and, in effect, getting their lives back. Diagnosis is often missed and attributed to depression, which can be co-existent with post traumatic stress disorder.

"I offer counselling for In-Sight Counselling Service in Bury, a Christian voluntary organisation for Christians and non-Christians. And with a colleague, I deliver tailor-made workshops for professional organisations and agencies."

A workshop is to be held at the Emmanuel Church Centre tomorrow (Sat 24). It will include a presentation outlining the criteria to be met before a diagnosis can be made, a professionally-recorded account of sufferers, families and colleagues and information on the effects on children.

Lorraine continued: "At the end of the day, participants will receive a comprehensive booklet of the main criteria and a certificate of attendance. The workshop is suitable for occupational health staff, mental health workers and anyone with a genuine interest in the disorder".

Those who want to register for the workshop can contact Lorraine on 07876 506881.