SO, ANOTHER member of the Wyre Borough Council's 'fact finding team' has come out of the woodwork in favour of the gas storage proposal (Namely, Messrs Brown and Pimbley to-date).

What a coincidence! I wonder what has driven them this way to guarantee their support? How many others are there who are yet to show their true colours?

As a Wyre resident I am deeply concerned about these proposals. To me, this is not an issue to be fought for political or personal kudos -- it is a matter of saving a semi rural community from commercial exploitation that is both unnecessary and unsafe.

If our elected council prefer to opt for short term 'sweeteners' rather than the long term security of our community then it is up to the residents themselves to 'put up their mitts and come out fighting'.

I do not intend to repeat here all the many good reasons, already widely publicised, why this proposal must be stopped -- save to emphasise that this proposal poses the biggest threat to our countryside, our way of life and, most important of all, our safety, that is likely to happen in our lifetime.

I urge all residents of Wyre, including our young people whose future is also threatened, to heed the wake up call -- to stand up and be counted.

Now is the time to act.

Now is the time to make the voice of the people drown out the phoney rhetoric from Canatxx and its cronies.

You can make a positive contribution simply by;

Supporting your local action group(s),

Writing to Lancashire County Council, Guild House, Cross St. Preston, PR1 8RD to register your objections to Planning Ref: 2/03/1455 by Jan 31st.

Contacting Lancaster & Wyre MP Hilton Dawson,

Attending the public meetings.

Got a computer and printer?

Why not design your own protest posters and put them in your car, your house or shop window to show your opposition in a more visible way?

Give some to your friends and neighbours, too.

But one thing you must not do is be complacent, sitting back hoping it will all go away.

It will go away -- but only if you stand and fight.

The old adage still rings true, 'united we stand -- divided we fall.'

Your community needs you -- don't let the opportunity slip away.

Stewart Mann, Woodhall Gardens , Hambleton