LOCAL libraries are encouraging visitors to vote in the WHSmith " People's Choice" Book Awards 2004.

There are prizes up for grabs for those who log onto the internet and take part in the largest such competition to be decided purely by the public.

There are eight categories of books to choose from, with five shortlisted titles in each category chosen by "ordinary" people and celebrities, including the Duchess of York, Linda Barker, Robson Green and Martin Bashir.

The closing date is February 25. Voters can win tickets to the awards ceremony on March 16 at the Dorchester Hotel in London; one of six sets of five signed books from the Fiction, Lifestyle and Teen choice shortlists; or WHSmith vouchers. The two libraries that generate the most votes for the awards will be invited to be judges next year.

Elizabeth Walker, book awards manager at WHSmith, said: "As the title says, these awards are the people's choice and library users have a very important say in which books should win."

Councillor Siobhan Costello, executive member for community services, said: "Libraries linking with the WHSmith Book Awards is another great example of our users gaining knowledge about books and using the internet."

Full details are available at www.whsmithbookawards.co.uk/libraries