EDGWORTH and District Horticultural Society want people to get involved in their annual flower show and help repeat the success of last year's event.

The show is at the Barlow Institute on Saturday, August 21.

David Spencer, from the society, said: "An appeal was made last year for support both for entries and for attendance on the day, and the committee was delighted with the response.

"Local comments suggested it was one of the best shows we've had. Trophies and prizes were presented by the Rev Michael Short and a donation of £115 from the raffle proceeds was made to the charity SMILES.

"It would be nice to continue last year's success and now is the time to think about planning this year's entry.

"It is more than just a flower show - it also includes vegetables, floral art, home produce and craft categories, which include separate children's sections.

"While the show gives everyone in the community a chance to show off their talents in growing and making things, you would be surprised how many novices have a go and are delighted to win a prize."

Schedules for the show will be available in many village shops in July or from Mr Spencer on 01254 307897.