THE letter from Steven Forsyth (LET, March 4) commenting on cars parking on the pavement needs further discussion.

He admits he is a driver, so he sees the pavement-parking more often from a driver's viewpoint than from that of a pedestrian.

Therefore, he will not often be aware of how little room is left for pedestrians when a car is on a pavement.

Mr Forsyth asks if anyone has ever had to call the police to remove a vehicle so that they could walk past -- that question could only have been posed by someone who is accustomed to travelling in a warm and cosy car, not someone who has no option but to struggle through the cold and wet weather .

A pedestrian would not even contemplate calling the police, but would try to squeeze through the gap left by the inconsiderate motorist, of if the gap was too narrow (which is so often the case) they would have to risk life and limb by stepping into the road.

Come on you drivers, think before parking on the pavement, spare a thought for the pedestrian, don't forget that when you get too old to be a driver it will be you who is the pedestrian!

DAVID ANDREWS, Vincent Street, Ewood.