The BBC Children In Need Rickshaw Challenge is touring the country this week and will stop off in Southport on Wednesday November 3.

The Great Rickshaw Relay Challenge involves The One Show presenter Matt Baker and a team of five young people taking part in a relay-style ride in five chapters.

The Challenge will come to Southport on day three of the ride after starting in Somerset on Monday November 1 and going through Media City, Manchester on Tuesday.

This year, the team are riding just over 142 miles between them before finishing this year’s Rickshaw Challenge in Edinburgh, where it all started back in 2011.

Liv, 17, from Southport will be representing the seaside town in the challenge to raise awareness for BBC Children In Need and Clare House Hospice, which gives support to siblings of people with life-limiting conditions. 

Liv supports her sister Jess, who has a life-limiting condition Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome, an overgrowth disorder characterised by an increased risk of tumours, a severely life-limiting condition.

A promising fashion student, Liv said: "I am really excited to be part of this year’s Rickshaw Challenge, I can’t wait to get involved and help fundraise for BBC Children in Need.

Lancashire Telegraph: Liv will take part in the challenge tomorrow in Southport (BBC)Liv will take part in the challenge tomorrow in Southport (BBC)

"I am beyond grateful for the incredible support I’ve received from Claire House Hospice over the last five years, they have helped me manage my emotions whilst going through such a difficult time.

"As a family, we are unable to go on holiday so Claire House Hospice has provided us with fun days out such as trips to the beach, a farm and also the opportunity to meet other children and families who are in the same position."

The Clare House Hospice project delivers a Play Therapist and Team Leader role for a sibling support group to give children and young people such as Olivia the support they need to cope with the emotional difficulties of having a sibling with a life-limiting condition.

Liv is also an active fundraiser having raised £20,000 to get her cousin Noah, a new wheelchair.

You can see a live map of the Rickshaw Challenge here